Saturday, November 05, 2011

Some things are bigger in California

We've all heard the saying that everything is bigger in Texas. Well that may not apply to some plants that grow in California. Here you can see my Toyota rental car and a row of huge aloe vera growing along the cemetery wall.
Some things are bigger in California
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Point Loma Cemetery

The fog rolling over the hillside and blanketing the grounds of the Point Loma cemetery begged to be photographed. I stood looking over all the graves of the brave men who served our country and watched as a crow circled low over head. I was hoping he would find a perch among the many headstones that lay before me. He finally found a resting place after hoping and jumping between several headstones and provided me a moment to capture his image along with the final resting place of these many veterans.
Point Loma Cemetery
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Polished and Worn

How long do you think these rocks and stones littering the edges of this tide pool have been here in order to have their edges worn round and the surface polished too a smooth finish.
Polished and Worn
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I like this image because it almost allows me to feel the course surface texture of the rock.
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Just for scale

I took this image not because I know this person but to provide scale as to the size of the boulders in this image. Also of interest to me was the rectangular structure of the rock surface she is standing on.

Just for Scale
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Monday, October 31, 2011


The abundance of moisture from fog and sea spray provides an ample amount of moisture to erode the steep hillside into natural sculptures that reminded me of the giant termite mounts found in Africa.

All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Natural Balcony

Many of the ledges look as if they were carved by man from the rocky cliffs of the tide pools. Here the way action coated the rocks with sea water and gave them the look of polished stone.

Natural Balcony
All images copyright Daniel Ray Photography.